Little Chalfont

Little Chalfont Village News

Little Chalfont Nature Park

For full information about the park

click here (opens in new window)

You can learn more about the village in

“A History of Little Chalfont”

written by Ivor White,

Price now £10  plus postage

 For information please e-mail

Some historic photos of Little Chalfont, including
some from Ivor White’s book, can be viewed here

This site gives information about Little Chalfont and activities
within the village plus the surrounding area.

It is maintained by the Little Chalfont Community Association.

Subscription - just £10 per annum

See ‘About Us’

All enquiries about the site to`

Most images on this page can be enlarged by clicking on them.

All images on this site are copyright and may not be reproduced in any form without permission.

Good Neighbours initiative

The Community Association and Parish Council wish to promote Little Chalfont as a friendly and caring village under an initiative styled ‘Good Neighbours’.

Whilst there are many good examples of neighbours looking out for each other, it is the aim to reproduce this throughout our community. For a brief description of how it is intended to approach this objective, please visit our new Good Neighbours page here.

The page will be used to provide progress reports and reports of encouraging stories.

More information on how local people can offer and receive help will appear here soon.

This group was set up before the coronavirus outbreak but is more active than ever.

Library and Village Hall
Little Chalfont Library

Most images on this page can be enlarged by clicking on them.

All images on this site are copyright and may not be reproduced in any form without permission.

2nd Saturday of each month

9.00 - 1.00 p.m.

Village Hall  car park

Farmers’ Market

Thames Valley Farmers’ Market Co-operative

Good quality produce

Also  Craft Fair (not August )

in Village Hall

Refreshments available


Foodbank Collection

Chenies Parade and in Cytiva car park
(opposite Chenies Parade)

9.0 a.m. - 1.0 p.m.

Simply Walk

Every Monday

Meet outside Little Chalfont Library

Cokes Lane, Amersham HP7 9QA

Please arrive at 10:15 am,

ready to depart at 10:30

Click here for full details

Forthcoming Events

Free 1 hour parking in
Snells Wood Car-park

You must display a valid ticket
available from the machine

Additional free parking in Cytiva
(opposite Chenies Parade)

Available from 8.0 am to 6.0 pm.
Weekends only
 Parking limited to two hours
with no return for two hours

Little Chalfont Park Liaison Group (LCPLG)

 Microsite link

The Little Chalfont Parish Council and the Little Chalfont Community Association have formed a joint group to liaise with The Hill Team; the developers of the old golf course and Homestead Farm site, now named  Little Chalfont Park.

The aim of the group, known as the LCPLG, is to ensure that the voices of residents are heard throughout the planning, construction and operational phases of the Little Chalfont Park development to secure the best outcome for the community as a whole.

Please see the Microsite for more details about the LCPLG’s activities, dates and summaries of the meetings together with work in progress.

Join Us

Membership of
Little Chalfont
Community Association

is only £10 per annum

Download application form here